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"Remembering Information" is an employment test that measures the ability to memorize detailed information and to recall this information (memory test). This skills test assesses short term memory required for remembering detailed information, such as work procedures and technical data.
Type of Assessment |
Competency Dimension |
Skill and Ability Test |
Cognitive |
Time Limit |
Number of Items |
8 min. |
28 items |
Predicts Effectiveness in These Areas |
Examples of Using Skills & Abilities on the Job |
Recommended for These Jobs |
Assessment Procedure |
Individuals are given two minutes to memorize 14 pairs of pictures and numbers on a screen. After the two minutes are up, individuals are shown the same pictures in a different order. They are given two minutes to indicate which number was matched with each picture. This process is done twice. |
Sample Problem(s) |