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We offer the following materials that structure the employment interview and improve your chances of hiring employees who can make the biggest contributions in your company and help you increase your business profits.
Check out our product samples.
(Note: Exhibited sample interview tools are materials used in the interview system for hourly jobs.)
This comprehensive interview guide provides the following information:
These worksheets keep you focused on what you need to explore with applicants. They contain specially prepared interview questions, corresponding "key indicators," and space for taking notes.
This form helps you keep complete and accurate records regarding your evaluations of applicants in selected competency areas. It contains a procedure checklist, "Competency Profile," scale for rating probability of success, and space for your hiring recommendation, comments, and suggestions.
This worksheet simplifies the process for multiple interviewers to conduct organized "information-exchange" sessions. It contains a procedure checklist, space for comparing interviewer ratings, consensus scale for rating probability of success, and space for a consensus hiring recommendation, comments, and suggestions.