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This module provides a detailed step-by-step procedure for locating and marking underground utilities, including numerous graphics and photographs that help individuals understand effective underground locating techniques. (Note: The number of pages and slides indicated below are approximate.)
The following topics are presented in this module:
Check out our product samples, which are generic and may not apply specifically to a given product.
Training Module 2 Materials |
Subject Matter Areas |
Length |
Reading Materials Guide
This guide is the same for both learners and facilitators. |
80 pages |
Classroom Activities Guide
The module includes both learner and facilitator versions of this guide. |
55 pages |
Field Activities Guide
This guide is the same for both learners and facilitators. |
65 pages |
Progress Evaluations
The module includes both learner and facilitator versions of this booklet. |
90 Items |
Slide Presentations Guide
Only facilitators use these materials. |
70 slides |
Optional Materials |
Subject Matter Areas |
Length |
Slide Presentations CD-ROM
Only facilitators use these materials. |
70 slides |
Place Your Bet!
Game for learning locating procedures |
Locating & Marking Procedures |
90 minutes |