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"Verifying Data" is an employment test that measures the ability to identify errors in strings of numeric and alphabetic characters (proofreading test). This skills test assesses perceptual speed and accuracy required for identifying and correcting errors in documentation. It predicts effectiveness in the areas of General Learning Ability, Problem Solving, Productivity / Efficiency, and Quality of Work.
Type of Assessment |
Competency Dimension |
Skill and Ability Test |
Perceptual |
Time Limit |
Number of Items |
3 min. |
60 items |
Predicts Effectiveness in These Areas |
Examples of Using Skills & Abilities on the Job |
Recommended for These Jobs |
Assessment Procedure |
This assessment includes pairs of strings of numbers, letters, or combinations of numbers and letters. For each pair, individuals are asked to select "same" if the first string of characters is exactly the same as the second string, or "different" if the two strings are different in any way. |
Sample Problem(s) |