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We offer the following types of human resource management consulting services aimed at helping organizations to address employee recruitment, staffing, and employee turnover issues regarding both salary jobs and hourly jobs:
A structured job analysis involves identifying the most important duties and competencies required for a given job or group of jobs. An organization conducts a job analysis to answer questions pertaining to job design, recruitment and selection, compensation, training needs, and performance management.
The scope of a job analysis study varies, depending on organizational objectives. Job analysis results typically are used to build or enhance human resource management programs in a number of areas.
Research and development activities in this area involve the construction of assessment devices primarily for employment and promotion purposes. Assessment devices include skills tests, job interviews, personality tests, job knowledge tests, simulations, and job performance observations.
Companies normally require these consulting services when assessment instruments available in the marketplace do not satisfy organizational needs. Appropriateness, feasibility, and cost usually determine the types of assessments that are developed.
There are various types of test validation studies, which usually involve the investigation of the statistical relationship between test scores and job performance measures. A test validation study is performed to determine the utility of assessment devices and to provide legal evidence that justifies the use of the instruments being investigated.
An organization typically conducts a test validation study when empirical information is needed to make improvements to an employment, promotion, or employee certification program.
This type of analysis involves collecting and evaluating various types of information for determining the most likely causes for employee turnover in an organization. Normally historical data are analyzed and managers and employees are interviewed. Findings are used to implement strategic approaches designed to reduce turnover.