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We offer the following types of human resource management consulting services aimed at helping organizations to address employee certification testing issues:
The most effective approach for certifying employees needs to be determined before constructing a certification testing program. Certification test design involves conducting an analysis of the "content" of a job or training program and then translating findings into practical methods for measuring the most relevant job knowledge and skill areas.
Certification test specifications typically include the type and number of certification assessments to be administered (e.g., written job knowledge tests, job performance tests, simulations), the length of tests, the content of tests, test standards, and the logistics of administering and scoring tests.
After the specifications for a certification program have been determined, employee certification tests are constructed by relying on written technical materials and subject matter experts.
If job knowledge tests are to be constructed, specific test items are written according to test specifications. In addition, if job skills need to be assessed, the specific method for observing and evaluating employee job behaviors and work outcomes is developed.
There are various types of test validation studies, but they usually involve the investigation of the statistical relationship between certification test scores and job performance measures.
A test validation study is performed to determine the utility of a certification testing program and to provide legal evidence that justifies the use of the certification tests.